Estate Planning without leaving your home in Fort Lauderdale, including Living Will, Healthcare Surrogate, Durable Power of Attorney, Last Will and Testament, and Burial Designation

After a lifetime of building financial security for yourself and your family, an unexpected health emergency or accidental event can be devastating. Having a plan will provide clear instructions to your loved ones in the event you are incapacitated, or worse. It is imperative to set up a comprehensive estate plan to protect against any life changing event that could deplete or destroy your accumulated wealth and interests. Plan today and take charge of your family’s future.


Estate Planning in Fort Lauderdale

Creating an estate plan is one of the most crucial tasks in securing a financial legacy. Contact our estate planning attorney in Fort Lauderdale to create a comprehensive plan to address health care, financial maintenance, asset transfer, and estate administration. 


“Our firm will protect what matters, no estate too small or too large for us to handle.”


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About Norliza Batts, Esq.

Estate Planning in Fort Lauderdale provides security for your assets and interests while you are alive, as well as assures your family that you will continue caring for them after when you are gone.

A comprehensive estate plan will protect your assets and investments during your own lifetime, and after you are gone. Having a solid plan in place will provide peace of mind, knowing your hard earned wealth is safe from litigation. Continue to care for your loved ones when you’re gone, the same way you take care of them today.

It’s never too early to start preparing for what you’ll leave behind, as estate planning is not contingent on age or even wealth; it is about those loved ones that we leave behind. Don’t put off Estate Planning in Fort Lauderdale any longer.

Get Started

A common misconception about estate planning is that it only benefits the wealthy or elderly. In reality, it can provide needed security and guidance to those in the prime of their life, who have just started a family, or purchased a home. Designating a person to manage your affairs and/or raise your children will provide clarity and guidance during a potentially chaotic time.


Estate Planning in Fort Lauderdale in easy when Norliza Batts, Esq. thoughtfully drafts a detailed and well-thought out plan to help minimize your estate’s exposure to potential creditors, predators, and other unexpected major relationship shifts, such as divorce.


An advanced directive establishes how you want your medical decisions to be made, and by whom, when you are unable to do so, ensuring your wishes are carried out as planned. Norliza Batts, Esq. will answer your questions thoroughly and listen to you thoughtfully and respectfully, ensuring your desires are met.

Living Will

A Living Will details your unique wishes for medical treatment in any circumstance in which you are unable to express informed consent. Having a living will in place helps ensure that your future care and end of life decisions are followed.

Healthcare Surrogate

A healthcare surrogate is an individual you appoint to carry out your medical decisions when you are unable. You may also wish to choose an alternate healthcare surrogate, in case your primary surrogate becomes unavailable.

Durable Power of Attorney

This document provides someone you trust with the authority to make decisions on your behalf including, but not limited to: executing legal documents, performing financial transactions, or making medical decisions. The authority to act on your behalf can be limited to specific activities or to a specific time period of your choosing. A Durable Power of Attorney, unlike a General Power of Attorney, will remain in effect if you become incapacitated.

Burial Designation

For religious or other personal reasons, you may detail what happens to your remains, and designate a person who will make sure your last wishes are carried out .



“An effective estate plan is one that is tailored specifically to your family’s unique situation, goals, and priorities; a plan that will secure and protect your interests during your lifetime, and after you are gone.”



We drive to meet our Clients in and around Fort Lauderdale, so they don’t have to leave home.

Our law office treats each client as if they are our only client, as each person’s needs are unique. Creating a personal relationship with each of our clients is paramount to delivering the best legal advice, guidance, and services.


Trustworthy, Compassionate, and Thorough 

When you are ready for a free review of your case, call Fort Lauderdale Estate Planning Attorney, Norliza Batts, Esq. at 954-772-4234 to receive compassionate guidance, and a quick and friendly response pertaining to your specific wants and desires for your estate. Ms. Batts will listen intently to understand your unique problems or concerns, and answer all your questions clearly so you can understand your options.

Call 954-772-4234 email us


A Last Will and Testament allows you to decide which beneficiaries you wish to inherit your estate, and minimizes potential conflicts among your heirs.

Without any Will, Trust or other estate planning tool, the state of Florida will decide who those beneficiaries will be through the Florida Intestate Statutes. 

TESTATE (with a Will)

Attorney, Norliza Batts, makes Estate Planning in Fort Lauderdale her priority and can ensure your property will be distributed according to your wishes, and help you understand the Florida Statutes concerning heirs and inheritance, and what will happen if you pass away testate (with a Will).

MINORS (under age 18)

Under Florida law, a guardianship must be set up for any minor child (under the age of 18) entitled to inheritance. By establishing a clear plan, you are able to select and appoint a trusted family member, or friend, to act as guardian until the child reaches 18 years of age.


Estate Planning in Fort Lauderdale can also help you protect your beneficiaries from the consequences of their own actions. Inheritance can be a powerful driving factor in controlling relationships and Norliza Batts, Esq. will work to protect clients proactively against any potential, future problems. A detailed plan can be drafted so that no unintended beneficiaries have access to your hard earned money after you are gone.


Following the death of a loved one, there are legal, financial, and administrative steps that must be followed. Naming a Personal Representative ensures your instructions are carried out.

The Probate process usually takes between 6 and 18 months. Costs for estate administration can range between seven and ten percent of the overall estate assets. Expenditures include Court costs, attorneys’ fees, publication costs, and creditor claims. It is crucial that they hire an experienced probate attorney to limit the costs, fight the creditor claims, and guide the family of the deceased through the perils of the probate process. Handling probate efficiently preserves family assets, and honors the wishes expressed by the testator in their will.

As an experienced Broward Probate Attorney, Norliza Batts, Esq. will provide guidance and legal counsel to personal representatives, executors, and trustees involved in the rigors of litigation, and work with beneficiaries and family members to ensure that property is distributed promptly and efficiently.